© Sven Nijs - NodeMapp

Our Pathfinders create the most beautiful cycling routes

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Pathfinders are passionate cyclists who share their cycling adventures with you. They regularly post their most beautiful cycling routes on our platform to inspire you.

Our Pathfinders are experienced users of our platform who share their cycling adventures with you. They select the most beautiful cycling routes and offer you inspiration to discover the best bike paths. Below you will find an overview of all current Pathfinders. Follow them to stay updated on new cycling routes!

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Pascal Peeters


Together with my wife Marcella, we very much enjoy taking bike rides, weekend trips, and vacations throughout all of Europe. It is simply delightful.

Chris Beck


For a few years now, I have had an account on Fietsknooppunt.be. Whenever possible, my partner and I plan a bike trip in Flanders or the Netherlands.

Bianca Bosscha


Born in Hilversum. Living in the beautiful fishing village of Zoutkamp in the province of Groningen. Working in healthcare. I am a fair-weather cyclist ;-)

Eric Ceusters


Avid athlete, soccer player for many years until the body couldn't keep up anymore. Then started cycling like so many others thanks to the cycle node network, grateful for that.

Peter Wils


We are Reinhilde and Peter. Hiking and cycling are the ideal relaxation for us. We are happy to take you on a trek across the whole country.

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